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About Prominal Maritime

Prominal Maritime has been founded in 2022 . Mr. VIRAJ MAHAKAL and Mr. AVINASH PALAVE is technical Head of company Has Over Three Years Of Sailing experience on various types of vessels and two years of shore experience in ship Building conversions and technical management.  Prominal Maritime is India’s shipping company.  We have started of with getting Technical Management License from DG Shipping for managing Oil & Chemical Tankers.  In initial one years we have managed and bare boat Chartered Foreign Ships for various clients like DCW, Hindalco Ltd., Sterlite Industries, Paradeep Phosphate, Hazel Mercantile Pvt Ltd, BK Sales, Adani Wilmar.  In 2022 we acquired our first Chemical Tanker MT Bon Atlantico and we flagged it in India.  Due to the built of the tanks we can load both hazardous cargo and non-hazardous cargo,  both organics and inorganics Chemicals,  product ranging from Aviation Turbine Fuel, Motor Spirit, UAN, FAME, Vegetable Oil, Castor Oil, Mustard Oil, Rape Seed Oil, Sunflower Oil, etc. 


Prominal’s Vision is to be the largest ship owner in the world


Mission of Prominal to achieve the Vision

Core Value

Team work , Team Spirit, Respect, Ethics and Moral, Trust, Honesty

Management's Message

Logistics exists from the very beginning of civilization and as the geographical distance between the production points and consumption points increased, the importance of logistics has become paramount in business.

Wars have been won and lost through logistics capability or lack of it. While the early days Generals understood the significance of logistics businesses seem to have learnt it fairly recently. It is the logistics capabilities which give edge to a business and for team Prominal, this science of planning, organizing and managing activities by sea through 'intelligent' means is 'raison d'etre'. At Prominal, every day is a learning process with new assignments coming up. The excitement peaks out when we receive new enquiries, new cargo to move, new path to tread and new targets to achieve. Team Prominal keeps re-gearing to achieve newer goals, the passion arising out of fire in the belly.

The focus at Prominal remains constant at continuous improvement and lateral thinking of providing simple yet cost effective solutions for complex logistical problems .We realize that we are pioneers in liquid logistics worldwide, and we strive to consolidate on this first move advantage as a niche liquid logistics solution provider in this country.

Without customers, Prominal cannot exist: Prominal is what it is today thanks to customers and shall be what customers shall want it to be.